#616 Worship – Humble Service

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We Christians usually associate “giving” with tithes and offerings; however, that is just one facet of our worship related to giving.  Another facet of giving is in our service for the Lord.  We are to not only give joyously of our material wealth; we are to give joyously of ourselves in His service.  As with other aspects of worship, our attitude plays such an important part as to whether we are genuinely worshipping God or just going through the motions of church when we are “working” for Him.  We can be on committees, sing in the choir, and/or serve in some capacity during worship services in a way that brings us glory and notice, but that is not truly worshipping and celebrating God.  Only when we serve Him with integrity, humbleness, the right mental attitude, a pure motive, and our heart tuned to glorify and honor Him can we say that we are worshipping and celebrating God.

What is your motive when you serve in some capacity at your church?  Is it to be seen by others or to honor and glorify God?

“And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”   (Matthew 23:12)

May God Richly Bless You Today