#611 Worship – Praying unto the Lord

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Worshipping and praising God in a corporate worship service includes much more than just the music and singing; it also includes all other facets of the services, which would include prayer times.  If our hearts are not attuned to worship God we are going to miss out on the blessing of fellowshipping with God through corporate prayer.  Sadly, there are those in the service who fail to honor God during the prayer times by having their thoughts elsewhere.  As someone else is voicing a prayer in the service, we as Christians should be pouring out our hearts to the Lord, asking Him to guide and direct in the service.  Our prayer should include not just a request for guidance and direction but that the Holy Spirit would be allowed to work in the heart of each person in attendance.  This is just another means of experiencing true worship in our services.

Whether you are the one to voice the prayer in your local congregation or not, stay in the spirit of prayer for God’s blessing in the service!

“We have thought of Thy lovingkindness, O God, in the midst of Thy temple.”  (Psalm 48:9)

May God Richly Bless You Today