#613 Worship – Focus on God’s Word or Lunch?

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We have been examining various aspects of church services, analyzing whether or not our participation is true worship and celebration of God or just going through the motions of church.  Often having a tendency to do lip service to the worship practices of singing and praying in unison, it is also the same with Scripture reading, whether responsive or someone else reading.  When we read responsively, we will often concentrate on making sure we read correctly, not really grasping or thinking about what we are reading, giving lip service to the reading.  Likewise, following along with someone else reading, we will often let our mind wander, thinking about lunch plans or other matters.  Whether following in our Bibles, on a large screen, with a mobile phone application, or just listening to the reading, genuine worship is having our focus on God’s Word and what the Holy Spirit is telling us through the Word.    

Faithfully take your Bible with you when attending church and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through His Word!

“Search from the book of the LORD, and read:” (Isaiah 38:16a – NKJV)

May God Richly Bless You Today