#947 Losing a Loved One – From Sorrow to Rejoicing

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As Christians claiming God’s promises from His Word we can have an optimistic rather than a defeatist viewpoint of death.  We may have sorrow and sadness at the loss of Christian loved ones, but we can also recognize the reality of and have faith in the goodness and mercy of God.  Scripture gives us the promise of spending eternity with our Christian loved ones in Heaven, a wonderful thought and promise that we have not “lost” our loved ones, we have just been separated from them for a season!  As our lives go on, we can be inspired by our separated loved ones, knowing we are going to someday be part of a glorious heavenly reunion where we will be spending eternity glorifying God together.  Praise the Lord!

Do you have Christian loved ones who have gone home to be with the Lord?  If you are a Christian, cast any sorrows aside and rejoice that you will spend eternity with them!

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.”   (I Thessalonians 4:14)

May God Richly Bless You Today

#818 Beatitudes – Those Who are Merciful

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

When Jesus began referring to those who are merciful being blessed, we were reminded of some of the scroll readings we have heard read to us concerning the mercifulness of God:   “The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.”[1]  With mercy being part of God’s nature, we as followers of God should also show mercy to all with whom there is a need.  To we Jews living here in Galilee, the word “mercy” takes on the meaning of almsgiving and the pardon of injuries, but we also know that there needs to be someone distressed and a burden on our hearts to be truly merciful.  When we are truly merciful, we will feel the pain and miseries of those around us, be ready to forgive as needed, and truly mourn for and with them.

Are you being truly merciful to those around you in a way that will please and honor God?

“Blessed are the merciful:  for they shall obtain mercy.”   (Matthew 5:7)

May God Richly Bless You Today

[1] Exodus 34: 6

#811 Psalm 23 – Dwelling in God’s Eternity

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In Psalm 23 we see David’s witness of his trust in God.  He uses vivid images from his life as a shepherd to describe a God who lives with His sheep caring, protecting, defending, guiding, and providing, all the while expressing an assurance that he belongs to his God.  This Psalm describes Jesus as our Shepherd-King, anticipating His role as our Good Shepherd.[1]  Observing the relationship of the shepherd and the sheep we see a powerful reminder of God’s love for His people, a love that sent His Son, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to earth to lay down His life for us, His sheep, on the cross.[2]  Genuinely accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior guarantees us we will be, like David, living in God’s goodness and mercy as well as in His constant presence for the length of days here on earth.  But living in His presence does not stop here on earth as we have His promise of a place in His presence for eternity.  Hallelujah!!

Make sure you are ready to dwell with God eternally in Heaven.  You can be sure if you have genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.  If you have not done so or are not sure you have, take time right now to bow your head and ask Him to come into your heart as your personal Savior and Lord!

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:  and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”   (Psalm 23:6)

May God Richly Bless You Today

[1] John 10

[2] John 10:15

#810 Psalm 23 – Dwelling in God’s Presence

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

David was struck with the magnificence of his Good Shepherd, his knowing that God’s goodness and mercy would follow him all the days of this earthly life.  He also realized that he would be dwelling in God’s presence forever; the Hebrew also being translated “length of days,” basically inferring David was going to be dwelling with God while here on earth.  As we Christians reflect on the “house of the Lord,” we come to the realization that the house is the dwelling place of all of those who have accepted Christ as Savior thus being a member of the family of God.  We have the privilege of dwelling in the presence of the Lord and in fellowship with fellow believers, sharing the Godly love that is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.  His presence is always with us, and we should live a life that would reflect that presence to all those around us.

Do you recognize God’s presence as you dwell daily in His house?

“And He said, ‘My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.’”   (Exodus 33:14)

 May God Richly Bless You Today

#809 Psalm 23 – Dwelling in God’s Provision

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

When examining the Hebrew word for “house” one realizes that it is translated numerous ways throughout the Old Testament.  Although it does not mean we can go off into left field making interpretations of the last part of verse six of Psalm 23, it does mean that there will be various interpretations that may be correct without contradicting other portions of God’s Word.  One such interpretation is that David is stating that he will be living within the sphere of God’s provision and protection for the remainder of his life.  This certainly corresponds to what he is saying throughout the first five verses of the Psalm, and the fact he is anticipating God’s goodness and mercy following him all the days of his life would support this interpretation.  For we as Christians, that is exactly what we do when we dwell with our Good Shepherd and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Trusting Him brings His provision and protection upon us.

Trusting God’s provision and protection is an assurance you can have when you dwell in His house forever!

“Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.”   (II Corinthians 9:11)

 May God Richly Bless You Today

#808 Psalm 23 – A Safe Dwelling Place

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we are looking at the final verse, verse six of Psalm 23, we cannot help but notice that David is summarizing the result of the previous five verses as he has recognized how great the Lord is as his Good Shepherd, His saving power, His protection, guidance, and care He is forever providing.  With complete confidence, David has stated that God’s goodness, mercy, and love will be with him all the days of his natural life, with an anticipation of a long life; and now, with even more confidence, he states that he is going to be dwelling in the house of the Lord forever.  This is a statement that has David again recognizing that he along with others who know God personally, have a promise of the Good Shepherd further providing His protection and care with a dwelling place along with His goodness and mercy.

Are you confident of your dwelling place with your Good Shepherd?

“Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house:  they will be still praising Thee.  Selah.”   (Psalm 84:4)

 May God Richly Bless You Today

#807 Psalm 23 – A Blessing to Others

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

When David says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,”[1] we generally accept the application of God’s goodness and mercy being with us throughout our daily walk with the Lord, and that is certainly an application we can trust and rely upon.  There is another application that we should consider that when considered will make us more careful as we follow the Lord in our daily lives.  “Sheep, when properly managed and cared for, can aid in the fertility of the land, transforming wilderness into parkland and fertile fields.”[2]  As we add this application to our previous one, we realize that God will not only bless us personally in our daily lives, His blessing on us will extend from each of us to become blessings for our families, friends, acquaintances, and those with whom we come into contact.  This fact should make us desire to live a life pleasing to God at all times.

In addition to praying for God to bless and be with you in your walk with Him, also pray that He will make you a blessing to someone daily!

“And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith.”   (Philippians 1:25)

May God Richly Bless You Today

[1] Psalm 23:6a

[2] Ashby, William Brent, and others, Psalm 23, Torrance, CA:  Rose Publishing, Inc., 2008.

#806 Psalm 23 – Confidence in the Lord

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Throughout Psalm 23, David has used the illustration of sheep and their shepherd to demonstrate how Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, has guided, protected, and tenderly cared for His sheep, each of us who have accepted Him as personal Savior.  An attentive, caring shepherd has a flock of sheep that is satisfied, healthy, and knowing that whatever comes goodness, love, and mercy will be there because of the shepherd.  We as Christians can be just like David and the sheep:  confident and content in the knowledge that goodness, love, and mercy are going to follow us during our daily journey, a journey that for us is our daily walks with our Lord.  When we quit attempting to achieve everything in our own power and allow Him to direct our paths we can have the assurance that His goodness, love, and mercy will follow us.

If you are allowing God to direct your path, draw comfort that His goodness, love, and mercy will follow you in your daily walk with Him!

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”   (Psalm 23:6a)

 May God Richly Bless You Today

#579 Chaotic Lives – “Peace in the Storm”

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The world around us is hectic and chaotic, caused not only by ourselves but also by those around us and other circumstances beyond our control.  What we can control is how we handle the chaos.  The following poem, entitled “Peace in the Storm”[1] describes the feelings we may have in the midst of the storms of life and the One we can go to in order to best handle them, our omnipotent God:

When the storms of life are overhead,

Filling you with a sense of dread,

Like ocean’s waves that across you roll,

Feeling like you have lost control,

Hopelessness can overwhelm you

With uncertainty about what to do.

Remember the One wind and sea obey

Can drive your doubt and fear away.

When facing problems in your life,

Look beyond the pain and strife,

Lift your eyes up from the storm

To find a place that safe and warm,

Set your mind on things above

To discover peace and love.

Remember that Jesus calmed the sea,

This peace He offers to you and me.

 Do you have the peace of God that can withstand the daily chaos of life?

 “’For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed,’ saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.”  (Isaiah 54:10)

 May God Richly Bless You Today

[1] Connie Arnold, author of inspirational and children’s books, and reprinted with her permission.  More of her poems can be read at her website, http://www.conniearnold.webs.com. 

#492 Judgment and Promises (Isaiah 65) – God’s Kindness to His Servants

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Yesterday we discussed how God always preserves a remnant of people who remain faithful to His Word.  His preserving a remnant in ancient Israel saved the nation when God allowed Israel to be taken into exile to Babylon.  Even though He did save the nation of Israel through those remaining true to God, each Israelite chose whether he or she would remain true to or turn away from God.  Today, it is no different.  Regardless of their nation, those who reject God’s Son will be condemned to eternal punishment while those who accept Him by faith, His servants, will live eternally with Him.  God’s promise in Isaiah 65 is that His servants will be rewarded with a fruitful life and great inheritance, characterized by Sharon, a plain on the western coast of Israel known for its fertility, and the Valley of Achor, near Jericho and the Jordan River known for its sheep herding, together representing the whole land and symbolizing peace, plenty, and prosperity.

If you know Christ as Savior, it is wonderful to know that God’s promises of reward and renewal are yours as one of His children!

“And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in, for My people that have sought Me.”  (Isaiah 65:10)

May God Richly Bless You Today