#659 Today’s World and Bible Times – The Company We Keep

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

About three miles north of the city of Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee is the excavation site of the ancient city of Magdala, also known as Magadan or Dalmanutha. In Bible times it was a city famous for processing fish and boat building, making it a considerably wealthy city. We know the city from Scripture as the home of Mary Magdalene, the woman from whom Jesus cast the seven demons. It seems that Magdala was characterized by the Talmud as a city of depravity, a possible explanation as to why Mary Magdalene was demon possessed. Could it be possible that she got with the wrong crowd and the demons somehow got control of her life? It is a well-known fact that our lives can be influenced for either good or evil by the company we keep. Although having unbelieving friends does not mean we will become demon possessed, it is extremely important for us to have and enjoy the influence of good Christian friends and fellowship.

Do not fail to have among your friends strong Christians who can support you in your walk with the Lord!

“Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’” (I Corinthians 15:33 – ESV)