#682 Claiming God’s Promises – When Missing Opportunities

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Our faith is often tested in the very routine areas of daily life as doubts often overcome us when opportunities present themselves.  We will tend to allow our negative thoughts to take the forefront of our minds instead of claiming God’s promises, doubting that God can accomplish what we may consider to be impossible.  In our own strength we may be correct in assuming we cannot accomplish a task or meet an opportunity, but we are not to live in our own strength but in the strength of God.  With God there is nothing impossible, and because we fail to live in His strength there may be opportunities and blessings we miss or ignore due to our foregone conclusion that we are not capable.  God has given us gifts and abilities that we are to use for His glory, and He expects us to look for and take the opportunities and possibilities He places before us.


Have you missed out on opportunities and blessings because doubts overcome you?  Trust in God’s promises, allow Him to wash away your negative thoughts, and trust in His strength in grasping the blessings that are yours!


“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”  (Luke 1:37)

#566 Patience – God Reveals His Will

 Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

There are numerous articles and books that have been written on how to know the will of God, and they generally identify certain biblical guidelines for us to use.  Many of these guidelines help us identify ways to know what is not God’s will rather than what is God’s will.  What many of these articles and books fail to tell us is that God reveals His will to us in His perfect timing, and following the guidelines can sometimes “test” our patience when His will is not quickly revealed to us.  Some of the same consequences can occur in these situations as that of having to wait to have our prayers answered, such as doubt creeping into our thoughts possibly hindering our Christian walk; however, there is another hazard that we can encounter, that being taking matters into our own hands and ending up outside the will of God.  We may even prosper materially when that happens, but we may also be missing a tremendous blessing that would be ours if we had been patient and waited on Him to reveal His will.  While waiting for Him to reveal His perfect will to us, we should faithfully worship Him and stay in His Word and before Him in prayer seeking His will.  He will be faithful in revealing His perfect will to us.

Has God revealed His will for your life?  If not, do not lose patience, doubt Him, or become discouraged as He will be faithful in revealing it to you!

“For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”  (Colossians 1:9)

May God Richly Bless You Today

#565 Patience – God Answers Prayer

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We spend a lot of time in prayer, praying for our needs and desires, claiming God’s promise to answer our prayers, and fully expecting to receive an answer quickly.  We have faith that His promises are genuine and that He will absolutely fulfill every one He has made; therefore, we automatically expect an answer shortly after the prayers have been uttered.  Immediate answers not coming forth create a crisis within our heart.  We may begin to doubt the promises of God’s Word that He will answer our prayers which then may lead to doubting other promises in His Word which then may lead to doubting God Himself which then may lead to our prayer life and Christian walk being hindered.  God’s timing is perfect; He answers our prayers in accordance with His will, in a manner that will reflect honor and glory upon Him, be best for our walk with Him, and in His perfect timing.  Sometimes, this requires patience, waiting for His answer to come which may be a few days, months or even years, but He will fulfill His promise of answering.

Don’t get impatient with God when He does not answer your prayers quickly, He knows what is best and when is best for you!

“And it came to pass after ten days, that the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah.”  (Jeremiah 42:7)

May God Richly Bless You Today