#945 Losing a Loved One – Comfort in God’s Word

Good Day Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Made in the image of God and having our own individuality, we each express our emotions differently.  “Experts” say there are different stages in the grief process, but the “experts” cannot agree on the number or identification of the stages.  We who know Christ as Savior will likewise go through different stages of grief upon losing a loved one; however, our ultimate comfort comes from God and His Word, not through our own efforts.  In 2004, a gentleman, his wife being out of town at the time, learned of his brother’s passing.  Being physically alone, he felt God’s comforting presence through the reading of Scripture, spending the rest of the day searching for passages on grief.  Applying God’s promise to each verse and praying those promises, he writes, “I have not grieved hard for my brother but remember the good times we had together.”[1]  Our grieving process may not be as short, but God’s Word can provide needed comfort to all.

As Jesus’ tears for Lazarus were the result of great love, never attempt to hide your emotions when grieving for a loved one!

“Lament and mourn and weep!  Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”   (James 4:9-10)

May God Richly Bless You Today

[1] Personal email received December 8, 2012